Wednesday, May 1, 2013

No Longer

Prompt: Lost Time (Don't worry.)

Don't be afraid of these.

Don't be afraid of calculus:
It can help you understand so much.
Try this problem:
Derivatives only hold value when something is changing
with respect to something else.
The distance between us changes with time.
At any instant we are the same distance apart,
but things aren't so consistent or certain as time changes
we can't measure how much we've changed.

Don't be afraid of your friends:
They love you and respect you and when they see you
they don't think
he is a good person
or she has done bad things
and they don't mention the time you were vulnerable and everyone heard
the sounds of anger and disgust from your mouth.

Please don't be afraid of lost time:
Please don't worry about how things could have changed
or about the time you wanted nothing
more than to hold something important inside of you
and become important yourself.
If we stop changing it's to be anything worthwhile.

March 30

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