Dear Lord we should have been more careful
you and me that superteam, even though it wasn’t always
how evenly we split the work and how much you love
me and why we rarely talk anymore. Anyway I thought
the only time our friendship really broke
was when your gentle pause took the breath
right from her chest, couldn’t breathe
once you pressed down, be more careful
next time and don’t leave her broken.
The way the bag of saline was too clear
to be replacing blood, but you must have thought
it was an act of love.
But we should have a talk about love
what it is and why I’m angry you took her breath.
Dear Lord my thoughts
were as clear as that bag of saline, carefully
dripping inside of me, emptying clearly
not into the right place, but give me a break,
sometimes I don’t want to think about things. My
heart broke
and you broke it, and you don’t even love
me the way that I love you, it’s clear
I need you, but you don’t need me. You don’t need to
with you I don’t need to be careful
about what I say to you or watch my thoughts.
But patience arrives, and I think my thoughts
and how when something breaks –
if when it was being built you were careful
enough to watch how it was done – then with love
you can fix it, if you hold your breath
and put your mind to it and if you’re thinking clearly.
Dear Lord when I was born I was clear
and unblemished but you found
these ways to break my trust and take my breath
and that’s nothing compared to what you broke
when you didn’t tell me I wouldn’t get your love.
When you don’t tell me things you should be more
It’s just that my mind was so clear until you broke
something you shouldn’t have and thought that I would
always love
someone who doesn’t breathe why weren’t you more
December 15