Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Poem a Day in May

My general plan for the month of May is a poem a day - This may not be a realistic goal due to my business but it's certainly always fun to give yourself a challenge. I may post multiple poems in a day, but at the end of the month I would like to have at the very least thirty-one poems published in May.

NB: I already missed May 4, but I posted that day's poem at 12:30 AM the next day, and I will be uploading another poem for the actual May 5.

1 comment:

  1. GUrl, I know what you mean... Ihave a blog where I write about 3 good things that happen to me every day. But 90% of the time I write them after midnight. I AGREE THAT THIS SHOULD COUNT! I bet writing a poem a day will be easier than you thought! 1 idea will flow from the others
